
Some Fascination With Antimatter !!

Some Fascination With Antimatter !! Written By Mr Tyler Horoho(IG:Strange_Antiquark) All of US Love Quantum Physics!! maybe not but the eagerness to understand the mystery of matter,antimatter and exotic matter is deep down there. Quantum mechanics is very fascinating when it comes to the things which are unbelievable. Today We're Going To unveil One Such Mystery! Called.... Antimatter! What is Antimatter? Antimatter was theorized by Paul Dirac in 1928 and first discovered in 1932 by Carl Anderson when positrons were found in cosmic ray tracks. If you don’t know what antimatter is, it has almost all the same properties as normal matter but with opposite electric charge. So an antielectron (more often called a positron) has the same mass, spin properties, size, and everything else as an electron, but with an opposite electric charge. Some particles can be their own antiparticle, like the charge-neutral photon (so there is no anti-photon). Another impor...

Elon Musk's Favorite Job Interview Question

Can You Correctly Answer Elon Mus k's Favorite Job Interview Question? Written By Astromate Elon musk has been eye candy for all the space enthusiast weather it be colonizing mars or promoting space travel for normal people.all the innovative ideas of him are quite brilliant and unique! the way he tackled his way up since Paypal is impressive but what he looks in the candidates who want to work for him is quite surprising he asks a simple question and makes the decision. Lets get to the question! You're standing on the surface of Earth. You walk one mile south, one mile west, and one mile north. You end up exactly where you started. Where are you? Hint:there are two answers to this tricky question! Comment your answer and tag your instagram profile to get featured! Your Time Starts Now!!

Jupiter,A Failed Star.

Jupiter,A Failed Star? Written By Astromate While most of the space bodies are generalise as planet,brown dwarfs,stars and supernova,first we need to clarify which Bodies are eligible to be called as stars and planet and something else if necessary! The Formation of sun start as collapse  of dense cloud of interstellar gas and dust. After rotation this matter tend to form a disk consisting of same material surrounding around the central,growing the star in making. Soon as the sun reached it's final mass the leftover matter of the disk is released to form planets around the Sun. The Formation of Jupiter is not much similar It took two steps for big guy to step in Planet-Game. The two-step process of the Jupiter involved a 'planetisimals' of ice and rock to collapse and accumulate into a giant planetary embryo with mass equal to 10 times of the Earth. This giant mass induced enough self-gravitational to pull the mass from the Disk gas left aft...

Geminids Meteor

Things You Should Know About Geminids Meteor Shower  Except wishing upon these shooting stars... Written by Astromate Alibey Aydin/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images We all know about shooting star and in bollywood often referred  as  Toot ta tara ,but that is not all about it this Meteor shower has a story of itself before getting into the facts lets saddle up for enjoying this alluring wonder. You don't need any special equipment to view a meteor shower. Even though all you really need is a clear sky, lots of patience, and a visibility conditions meter to see a meteor shower, the following tips can help maximize your shooting star viewing experience. The Time to enjoy Geminids meteor is    on December 13 or 14, depending on your time zone in both the hemispheres From 10 pm onward The peak time is about 2 Am   right before dawn on Friday  of 14 December. →   Find a  lonesome  viewing spot, away ...