Jupiter,A Failed Star.
Jupiter,A Failed Star? Written By Astromate While most of the space bodies are generalise as planet,brown dwarfs,stars and supernova,first we need to clarify which Bodies are eligible to be called as stars and planet and something else if necessary! The Formation of sun start as collapse of dense cloud of interstellar gas and dust. After rotation this matter tend to form a disk consisting of same material surrounding around the central,growing the star in making. Soon as the sun reached it's final mass the leftover matter of the disk is released to form planets around the Sun. The Formation of Jupiter is not much similar It took two steps for big guy to step in Planet-Game. The two-step process of the Jupiter involved a 'planetisimals' of ice and rock to collapse and accumulate into a giant planetary embryo with mass equal to 10 times of the Earth. This giant mass induced enough self-gravitational to pull the mass from the Disk gas left aft...